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An Online Video Course For Developers Looking for a Job in Germany

Crack the Code to Landing a Tech Job in Germany - Even from Abroad!

Adjusting your CV to the German-Style is not enough. There are specific strategies to make your application stand out. This course gives you an inside look into how German companies and hiring managers tick. It will give you an unfair advantage in your job search.

>_👇 Attention: software engineers, data analysts, devops, and those who want to nail a tech job in Germany...


Dear Developer,

If you’ve been struggling to land your dream job in Germany, you’re not alone.

We know what you're going through.

You have the skills. You've put in the hours to build your expertise as a developer. Yet, you're still facing rejections when applying to tech jobs in Germany—even when your qualifications seem like a perfect fit.

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

The truth is, getting hired in Germany isn’t just about having the right technical skills. It’s about understanding how to position yourself, speak the language that recruiters expect, and navigate the unspoken rules of the hiring process.

That’s exactly what we want to help you with.

There’s no shortage of advice out there on landing a job in Germany. But most of it is generic, aimed at all professions, and doesn’t take into account the challenges that international developers like you face.

We wanted to change that.

So, we said f*ck generic advice! Let’s create something designed specifically for international developers who want to land an English-speaking job in Germany.

So we created this course.

We’ll show you exactly how to tailor your CV to German standards, master the cultural nuances, and stand out in a crowded field of applicants.

In just 2 days, if you put in the effort, you’ll transform your job applications.

Our course is built around our AAA+ Framework, a step-by-step system that simplifies the entire job application process:

Learn how to break down job ads and understand exactly what recruiters are looking for.

Tailor your Master CV and cover letter to match the job description and expectations of German recruiters.

Follow our guidance on submitting applications with confidence, ensuring you avoid common mistakes and maximize your chances of landing interviews.

This framework gives you a clear strategy for each application, ensuring that you’re not just sending out generic CVs but applying in a way that resonates with hiring managers in Germany.

And here’s the best part: You’ll have over-the-shoulder videos where we create a developer CV together, a mock interview with analysis, and strategies to navigate salary negotiations with German companies.

Now, why trust us?

We’ve been where you are.

This course was built by people who know your journey firsthand. It’s created by an international non-EU developer who successfully navigated the complexities of landing a job in Germany, combined with the insights of a German hiring manager who has seen countless applications and knows exactly what it takes to stand out in the local market.

We’re giving you both sides of the equation: what you need as an applicant and what recruiters and hiring managers expect—making this course uniquely positioned to help you succeed.

I know what you’re thinking: “It’s not like I haven’t tried applying. Why would this be any different?”

The reality is, it’s not your coding skills holding you back. It’s your approach.

Germany’s hiring process is unique, and small mistakes—like how your CV is formatted or how you approach salary negotiations—can mean the difference between landing the job or getting overlooked. Our course will teach you how to overcome those hurdles and tailor your approach for German employers.

The demand for skilled developers in Germany is growing. But with that, competition is fierce.

Every day you wait is another missed opportunity. Imagine starting your next application confidently, knowing you have everything you need to finally stand out. And within just 48 hours, you’ll be ready to hit "apply" with a CV and online presence that work for you.

Our course is broken down into 7 comprehensive modules, each designed to guide you through every step of the job application process in Germany:

Each module is designed to provide you with actionable insights, real-world examples, and hands-on guidance, making the job application process in Germany much easier to navigate.

Imagine what your career could look like in just a few weeks—a job in Germany, living in one of the most innovative tech hubs in the world.

Are you ready to take that step?

Click below to enroll now, and let’s make your dream job in Germany a reality.

Click here to enroll now!

Looking forward to seeing you in the course!

Jen & Yvonne

Co-founders of Simple Germany

Who Will Benefit Most from This Video Course?

If you see yourself in the descriptions below, then you're in the right place.

Anyone looking for their first job in the tech industry in Germany with 3+ years of experience and fluency in English. More specifically:

>_ Software engineers (backend, frontend, mobile)

>_Data wizards: data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, data architects

>_Other techies, such as (but not limited to): Devops, QA, product owners, UI/UX designers

Check Out the Results from Our Students


For several years I have been looking for an appropriate job in Germany. I had received numerous rejections.

That was until I found your YouTube content, particularly the German-Style CV Template you created.

I am now ever so pleased to inform you that a company in Germany has finally said ‘yes’ to my job application.

Your template and video content have helped me land my dream job as a Senior Project Manager at Boeing!


I am so happy to inform both of you that I have received my dream offer from one of the ‘’Fab Five’' companies in the semiconductor industry after I followed the CV and cover letter template, which I purchased from your online store.

I was sending out so many applications before, but wasn’t getting any calls to the final interview round even after following the tabular EU format.

However, I believe it is the clear and concise format of the CV and cover letter that you both provided, which ultimately made my profile stand out.

So, here I am, heartily thanking you both for all the help.



Your CV template is MAGICAL.

I applied to multiple jobs and kept getting rejected, even though my skills as a backend developer were a perfect match.

After using your template and adapting my CV, I re-applied to two of those jobs—and guess what?

I received interview invitations from both!!

Here’s What You Get When You Enroll Today

Module 1

Covering the Basics

Get a solid foundation on the German job market and hiring seasons so you're ready to navigate the process like a pro.

Module 2

Building Your Master CV

Get a solid foundation on the German job market and hiring seasons so you're ready to navigate the process like a pro.

Module 3

Optimizing Your Online Presence

Make sure recruiters find you first by building a standout LinkedIn profile and maximizing your visibility on other key platforms.

Module 4

Mastering the Job Search With Our AAA+ Framework

Our AAA+ Framework will show you how to Analyze, Adjust, and Apply—helping you tailor your applications and maximize your chances of landing interviews.

Module 5

Nailing Your Interviews

From your first interaction to the final follow-up, this module covers everything—online, onsite, and technical interviews—so you’ll always be prepared.

Module 6

Understanding Your Job Offer(s)

Learn how to evaluate salary, benefits, and other critical elements of your job offer, and negotiate with confidence to get the best deal.

Module 7

Crafting Your Cover Letter with H.E.A.R.T

Create a cover letter that resonates with recruiters using our H.E.A.R.T. framework, ensuring it’s concise, impactful, and personalized to each job.


  • Ready to edit CV and cover letter templates (.pages and .docx files)

  • Mock Interview that simulates a real German cultural fit interview

  • Job Application Tracker to monitor your job applications, interviews, and follow-ups with ease

  • Video Tutorial: DIY your professional picture


The Online Course to Speed Up Your Dev Job Search

Here is exactly what you're getting:

>_ Job Application Tracker: â‚Ź25

>_ German-style CV template and step-by-step video lessons:€99

>_ 30+ common job interview questions in Germany to confidently nail your interviews: â‚Ź25

>_ First-hand insights to get hired from active in-house tech recruiters, hiring managers, CTOs, and other devs in Germany: â‚Ź299

Total value: €448

🚀 Buy the { Get Hired } Video Course + Bonuses Today for Just €97!

🐣 Enroll today and save 78%! Our early-bird offer expires in:


Early-Bird Special Offer



Save 78%!

  • Full Access to all 7 modules

  • Exclusive Bonuses: Ready to edit CV and cover letter templates (.pages and .docx files), mock interview, job application tracker, and DIY professional photo tutorial

  • Lifetime Access to all course updates and new material

Our Guarantee

Unfortunately... There Is No Guarantee

Let us explain.

If you have landed here, you most likely follow us on YouTube, Instagram, our newsletter or our website. So, this isn’t just an impersonal ad where you have build zero trust before buying something.

Therefore, there are no refunds on this product. Why?

1) Personal responsibility & Taking action are two of our values. Don’t make a purchase and back out because you don’t want to put in the work. And yes, you will have to put in the work, even with our guidance in this product.

2) It’s a digital product.

You will receive the product immediately after purchase. Since it is a digital product, there is no way to return it. We don’t want to welcome freeloaders.

Lastly, guarantees are a marketing scheme.

As much as we as humans don’t want to hear this, there are no guarantees in life. Everyone’s path to find a job in Germany is different. We can only guide you so much.

The ‘guarantee’ that it works lies in your hands. Your approach, you taking action, you succeeding. We leave it in your hands to create your own confidence in acting on the materials in this product.

If you are just looking for a shortcut, don't buy this product. We have full confidence that the material we offer is accurate to what is promised on this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for developers who want to land a job in Germany's tech sector. Whether you're just starting your job search or you've been struggling to get responses, this course will guide you step-by-step through the entire process.

What if I am not a developer? Is this course still useful?

Yes! While this course is tailored specifically for developers, and the examples are focused on tech roles, the strategies we teach—like crafting a strong CV, optimizing your online presence, and mastering the interview process—are relevant for anyone looking for a job in Germany. The principles we cover apply across industries, making it a valuable resource for international professionals in general.

How long do I have to access the course?

You’ll get lifetime access to all course materials, including any future updates and new content we add. This means you can revisit the lessons whenever you need to refresh your knowledge or want to apply for a new job in Germany.

How much time will I need to invest to finish the course?

The course is designed to be self-paced, so you can work through it at your own speed. You can complete all the lessons in just 7 hours. If you dedicate one hour a day (instead of watching Netflix), you can complete the course in a week. If you really want it, you can complete the course in 2 days.

Do I need to speak German to land a job?

While speaking German can be an advantage for certain roles, many tech companies in Germany hire English-speaking developers. This course focuses on navigating job offers that don’t require fluency in German.

Is there a time limit on the early-bird offer?

Yes, you can save 78% only until September 30th, 2024. We recommend enrolling as soon as possible to take advantage of this special pricing.

Do you offer a personalized CV Review Call?

We believe that the course is so comprehensive and effective that you’ll be able to create a standout CV without needing additional help. However, if you still feel the need for a personalized review, you can book an add-on after you've completed the course.

Who You Will Learn From

👋🏽 Hello! We’re Jen and Yvonne, the founders of Simple Germany, where we’ve been helping internationals settle into life in Germany more smoothly through our YouTube channel and website since 2020. With a passion for empowering people to thrive in Germany, we’ve now created this online course to help developers like you land your dream job in Germany’s tech sector.

Together, we’ve helped hundreds of internationals get hired in Germany by selling CV templates tailored to the German market.

Now, we’re going even deeper with this online course, revealing the specific strategies you need to not only build a great CV but to master the entire application process—from job search to offer negotiation.

In preparation for this course, we interviewed in-house tech recruiters, CTOs, developers, and hiring managers to ensure we’re giving you the most up-to-date and accurate strategies to succeed in Germany’s tech industry.

Here is a bit more about us:

>_ Jen Palacios

Originally from Guatemala, is a developer with over 8 years of experience in Germany. She worked at three different companies (media agency, corporate, and startup) and knows exactly what it takes to land a developer role in the German job market.

Having been through the entire process herself, she’s here to share the strategies and insights that worked for her, so you don’t have to go through the same challenges.

>_ Yvonne Koppen

Originally from Germany. Yvonne has extensive experience as a hiring manager. She’s reviewed hundreds of applications, interviewed candidates, and made the tough decisions about who gets hired to grow her team. 

She brings the perspective of a German recruiter, giving you insider knowledge about what hiring managers are really looking for in candidates.

Don’t Let Another Job Opportunity Slip Away — Take Control Of Your Job Search Today!

With this course, you’ll have a proven system to follow, giving you confidence and clarity every step of the way. You’ll know how to tailor your applications, ace your interviews, and negotiate your salary like a pro. In just a matter of weeks, you could be preparing to start a new life in Germany, working in a company that truly values your expertise.

Don't let another opportunity pass you by. This course is your roadmap to success, but you have to take the first step.

Disclaimer: Any results or successes stated on this website and in the course are individual results. Please understand individual results cannot be guaranteed. We are not implying you will achieve similar results, or even get hired in Germany yourself. We are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many deciding factors, such as (but not limited to), your background, experience, and commitment. Finding a job in Germany requires huge effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that and put in the work, please DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE.

Simple GermanyÂŽ is a trademark of Purple Ideas GmbH and it's registered in the European Union.